The Infinity Collection: $7500

couple holding hands new york skyline

  • Consultations throughout the planning process to help make your wedding day experience seamless and tailored to you two
  • Up to ten hours of photographic storytelling on your wedding day with two photographers to tell your story from start to fireworks!
  • Additional hours including both photographers are available a la carte for $500/hour
  • A beautiful heirloom album with your first sixty photographs included and a custom in person design consultation after the wedding to ensure the album is something you both love for years to come.
  • A private, online viewing gallery to share with friends and family

Thank you for your consideration! I look forward to speaking with you to learn about you, and what you’re truly looking forward to about this amazing celebration of your commitment and life together with the ones you love. This way, I am able capture your story with all it’s nuances in a genuine way so that every time you open up your album, you are able to experience the moments and the gestures that mean so much to you, all over again. Please select a time for me to give you a call, and I’ll be in touch with you and your partner individually so I may give you the one on one attention you both deserve.

Hyatt Regency Cambridge Maryland Wedding Lindsay Hite Photography